11 Ways To Make Your Windowsill More Interesting


Right now, your windowsill is probably looking pretty dull. There’s probably a forlorn plant or two, and that’s about it. You might be thinking that there’s no way you can make it more interesting, is there? But you’d be wrong! There are so many ways to make your windowsill more interesting. Here are some great ideas on how to make your windowsill more interesting.

1. Add a personal touch

This is a very simple idea, but it can make your windowsill so much more interesting. All you have to do is grab a marker, and draw something on your windowsill. This could be anything from a quote to a drawing of your favourite person, to a picture of your family. This will make your windowsill so much more interesting, and it will also make you feel much more connected to your home.  You can also use these instructions to create a magnetic chalkboard on your windowsill. This is a great way to make your windowsill personal, and it’s also pretty easy to do.

2. Showcase your crafts

Another great way to make your windowsill more interesting is to create a showcase for your crafts. This can be anything from a shelf, to a large basket. This is a great way to create a nice display for your crafts, while creating much more space.  This is also a great way to make your windowsill more personal, as you can create a nice display for your crafts without spending a lot of money. 

3. Decorate with plants

If you have a window box, you could try growing some plants in it. Or, you could try planting some herbs in pots. If you don’t have a window box, you might want to try growing some edibles in pots indoors. You could try growing tomatoes, herbs, potatoes, or even leafy greens. Make sure that you keep them watered and don’t let them get too dry. 

4. Have some flowers

This is a great way to make your windowsill more interesting. You could try having some flowers in pots. You could try growing some flowers like aloe vera, succulents, or even some indoor plants. Another great thing about having flowers is that they don’t require too much care. You could just let them grow wild, or you could keep them in pots and water them when the soil gets too dry.  Another great thing about having flowers is that they make your windowsill look more attractive. 

5. Make a terrarium

If you’re looking for something terrific to make your windowsill more interesting, you could try making a terrarium. A terrarium is a great thing to have because it’s fascinating. It’s also easy to make. All you have to do is buy a glass jar, buy some soil, and then fill the jar with soil. 

6. Write something on the windowsill

If you want to make your windowsill more interesting, you could try writing something on the windowsill. You could try writing a poem, or something like that. You could try writing a story, or something like that. You could also try writing something humorous on the windowsill. This will make your windowsill look very interesting.

7. Get some greenery

You can always use some bamboo to create an interesting and beautiful focal point on your windowsill. Bamboo is a very versatile plant, so it can be used in lots of ways, including as a focal point. Bamboo can be used to create a lovely focal point, add some height to your windowsill, and even create an outdoor-like vibe for your home.  You can also use other types of plants that are commonly used as indoor plants, but which can also be planted out in a pot.

8. Try some succulents

Succulents are the new indoor plants and for good reason. They’re incredibly easy to grow and maintain, and they look great on any windowsill. You don’t even need a special plant pot for succulents. You can simply place them in a small dish or glass. This will allow you to easily take care of your succulents, and it will make them look even more interesting on your windowsill.  There are lots of succulents to choose from as well. This way, your windowsill is more interesting, and you’re saving money as well.

9. Give your windowsill a makeover

By this, we mean you can add some tile to create a lovely pattern, and you can add faux brick to create an interesting look. This is a great way to make your windowsill more interesting, and it’s also pretty easy to do.  You can also use these techniques to make your wooden windowsill more interesting as well. Adding some tile to the top, or using faux brick and polyurethane, it will make any wooden windowsill much more interesting.

10. Let there be light!

This can be anything from a lamp, to a candle. This is a great way to add some light to your windowsill, and it’s also really easy to do. All you have to do is find the perfect spot on your windowsill.  This will allow you to create a lovely mood, and it’s also a great way to create an outdoor-like vibe for your home. This will allow you to create a lovely mood, and it’s also a great way to create an outdoor-like vibe for your home.

11. Add some funky glassware

Glassware. And not just any glassware. You know, the kind of glassware that’s a little bit unusual and a little bit funky.   A curated a great list of fun and funky home decor items. If you’re looking for something a little bit different to make your windowsill more interesting, these items are a great place to start.  These funky glasses are great for adding a little bit of something else to your windowsill. It’s a great way to make your space feel a little bit more lively and exciting. And, it’s also a super-easy way to add a little colour and vibrancy to your space.